Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /home/admin/public_html/forum/include/fm.class.php on line 757

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/admin/public_html/forum/include/fm.class.php on line 770
Форумы портала PHP.SU :: Версия для печати :: tbdev движок и 000webhost.com настройка config.php
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1. camocbal - 06 Января, 2014 - 19:04:03 - перейти к сообщению
В общем решил попробовать сделать трекер... ;D
Сам смог лишь залить базы данных, а настроить config.php не смог
все делал по инструкции, как тут http://youtu[dot]be/jtOhuHS5ouQ
но вот не смог победить, что куда писать, если кому не сложно подскажите пожалуйста!!
заранее спасибо!Улыбка

// DB setup
$TBDEV['mysql_host'] = "mysql4.000webhost.com";
$TBDEV['mysql_user'] = "a9_torrent";
$TBDEV['mysql_pass'] = "blank";
$TBDEV['mysql_db'] = "a9_torrent";

// Cookie setup
$TBDEV['cookie_prefix'] = 'tbalpha_'; // This allows you to have multiple trackers, eg for demos, testing etc.
$TBDEV['cookie_path'] = ''; // ATTENTION: You should never need this unless the above applies eg: /tbdev
$TBDEV['cookie_domain'] = ''; // set to eg: .somedomain.com or is subdomain set to: .sub.somedomain.com

$TBDEV['site_online'] = 1;
$TBDEV['tracker_post_key'] = 'changethisorelse';
$TBDEV['max_torrent_size'] = 1000000;
$TBDEV['announce_interval'] = 60 * 30;
$TBDEV['signup_timeout'] = 86400 * 3;
$TBDEV['minvotes'] = 1;
$TBDEV['max_dead_torrent_time'] = 6 * 3600;

// Max users on site
$TBDEV['maxusers'] = 5000; // LoL Who we kiddin' here?

if ( strtoupper( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) ) == 'WIN' )
$file_path = str_replace( "\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__) );
$file_path = str_replace( "/include", "", $file_path );
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
$file_path = str_replace( "/include", "", $file_path );

define('ROOT_PATH', $file_path);
$TBDEV['torrent_dir'] = ROOT_PATH . '/torrents'; # must be writable for httpd user

# the first one will be displayed on the pages
$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = array();
$TBDEV['announce_urls'][] = "http://localhost/TB_ALPHA/announce.php";
//$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = "http://localhost:2710/announce";
//$TBDEV['announce_urls'] = "http://domain.com:83/announce.php";

if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "")

$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/tb_new";

$host = getenv( 'SERVER_NAME' );
$script = getenv( 'SCRIPT_NAME' );
$script = str_replace( "\\", "/", $script );

if( $host AND $script )
$script = str_replace( '/index.php', '', $script );

$TBDEV['baseurl'] = "http://{$host}{$script}";

//set this to true to make this a tracker that only registered users may use
//$TBDEV['membersonly'] = 1; //deprecated no longer needed

//maximum number of peers (seeders+leechers) allowed before torrents starts to be deleted to make room...
//set this to something high if you don't require this feature
//$TBDEV['peerlimit'] = 50000; //deprecated. no longer used.

// Email for sender/return path.
$TBDEV['site_email'] = "coldfusion@localhost";

$TBDEV['site_name'] = "TBDEV.NET";

$TBDEV['language'] = 'en';
$TBDEV['char_set'] = 'UTF-8'; //also to be used site wide in meta tags
if (ini_get('default_charset') != $TBDEV['char_set']) {
$TBDEV['msg_alert'] = 0; // saves a query when off

$TBDEV['autoclean_interval'] = 900;
$TBDEV['sql_error_log'] = ROOT_PATH.'/logs/sql_err_'.date("M_D_Y").'.log';
$TBDEV['pic_base_url'] = "./pic/";
$TBDEV['stylesheet'] = "./1.css";
$TBDEV['readpost_expiry'] = 14*86400; // 14 days
//set this to size of user avatars
$TBDEV['av_img_height'] = 100;
$TBDEV['av_img_width'] = 100;
$TBDEV['allowed_ext'] = array('image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg');
// Set this to the line break character sequence of your system
//$TBDEV['linebreak'] = "\r\n"; // not used at present.

define ('UC_USER', 0);
define ('UC_POWER_USER', 1);
define ('UC_VIP', 2);
define ('UC_UPLOADER', 3);
define ('UC_MODERATOR', 4);
define ('UC_ADMINISTRATOR', 5);
define ('UC_SYSOP', 6);


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